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Notes for Nand2Tetris: Virtual Machine I: Stack Arithmetic

This is a note for Nand2Tetris unit 7 (Part II, Unit 1).

Unit 7.0

Jack program:

class Main {
    function void main() {
        do Output.printString("Hello World!");
        do Output.println(); // New line.

What makes the abstraction work?

  • Assembler
  • Virtual machine
  • Compiler
  • Operating system

From high-level to low-level

Nand2Tetris Part II is more demanding than Nand2Tetris Part I.

Unit 7.1

Module 1: Virtual Machine

  • Understanding the abstraction
  • Building the implementation

Module 1: Take Home Lessons

  • Compilation (big picture)
  • Virtualization
  • VM abstraction
  • Stack processing
  • VM implementation
  • Pointers
  • Programming

Unit 7.2

VM Abstraction: the Stack

Stack operations:

  • push: add a plate to the stack’s top
  • pop: remove the top plate

Applying a function $f$ on the stack:

  • pops the argument(s) from the stack
  • computes $f$ on the arguments
  • pushes the result onto the stack

Stack arithmetic:


x = 17 + 19

After compilation:


push 17
push 19
pop x

Stack machine, manipulated by:

  • Arithmetic / logical commands
  • Memory segment commands
  • Branching commands
  • Function commands

Unit 7.3

VM Abstraction: Memory Segments

Memory segments:

  • local
  • argument
  • this
  • that
  • constant
  • static
  • pointer
  • temp


  • push $segment$ $i$: Where $segment$ is: argument, local, static, constant, this, that, pointer, or temp and $i$ is a non-negative integer
  • pop $segment$ $i$: Where $segment$ is: argument, local, static, this, that, pointer, or temp and $i$ is a non-negative integer

Unit 7.4

Pointer manipulation

asterisk: *

Stack machine

VM translator perspective

VM Translator:

  • A program that translates VM code into machine language
  • Each VM command generates several assembly commands

Unit 7.5

Implementing local