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Notes for Nand2Tetris: Boolean Functions and Gate Logic

This is a note for Nand2Tetris Unit 1.

Unit 1.2

We can transform any boolean function to its disjunctive normal formula (析取范式), which means we can represent any boolean function only with NOT, AND and OR.

Can we go further and use only two operations? The answer is YES! Since we can represent OR with NOT and AND:

(x OR y) = NOT(NOT(x) AND NOT(y))

Can we go even further? The answer is also YES! Introducing NAND:


(x NAND y) = NOT(x AND y)

We can represent NOT only with NAND:

NOT(x) = (x NAND x)

And then we can represent AND with NAND and NOT:

(x AND y) = NOT(x NAND y)

Unit 1.3

Categories of logic gates

Logic gates:

  • Elementary (Nand, And, Or, Not, …)
  • Composite (复合的) (Mux, Adder, …)

Gate diagrams

Some gate diagrams

Gate interfaces and implements

Interface vs Implementation

Unit 1.4

HDL: Hardware Description Language

Common HDLs:

  • VHDL
  • Verilog

Unit 1.6

bus (总线)

Buses can be composed from (and broken into) sub-buses.

IN lsb[8], msb[8], ...
Add16(a[0..7]=lsb, a[8..15]=msb, b=..., out=...);
Add16(..., out[0...3]=t1, out[4..15]=t2);

Attention that [x..x] can only appear in the left of the equal sign. Something wrong like in=a[0..7] raises sub bus of an internal node may not be used error!

a[0]: right-most bit (the least significant bit, LSB) a[15]: left-most bit (the most significant bit, MSB)

Attention! The index is FROM RIGHT TO LEFT!

true: each bit gets one false: each bit gets zero

Unit 1.7

Mux and DMux

Multiplexor (Mux, 复用器)

if sel == 0:
    out = a
    out = b

Demultiplexor (DMux, 解复用器)

if sel == 0:
    a, b = in, 0
    a, b = 0, in

Project 1


Note that NOT(x) = x NAND x.

 * Not gate:
 * out = not in

CHIP Not {
    IN in;
    OUT out;

    Nand(a=in, b=in, out=out);


Just repeat Not for 16 times. I wrote a Python script to generate this:

for i in range(16):
    print(f"Not(in=in[{i}], out=out[{i}]);")
 * 16-bit Not:
 * for i=0..15: out[i] = not in[i]

CHIP Not16 {
    IN in[16];
    OUT out[16];

    Not(in=in[0], out=out[0]);
    Not(in=in[1], out=out[1]);
    Not(in=in[2], out=out[2]);
    Not(in=in[3], out=out[3]);
    Not(in=in[4], out=out[4]);
    Not(in=in[5], out=out[5]);
    Not(in=in[6], out=out[6]);
    Not(in=in[7], out=out[7]);
    Not(in=in[8], out=out[8]);
    Not(in=in[9], out=out[9]);
    Not(in=in[10], out=out[10]);
    Not(in=in[11], out=out[11]);
    Not(in=in[12], out=out[12]);
    Not(in=in[13], out=out[13]);
    Not(in=in[14], out=out[14]);
    Not(in=in[15], out=out[15]);


Note that (x AND y) = NOT(x NAND y).

 * And gate:
 * out = 1 if (a == 1 and b == 1)
 *       0 otherwise

CHIP And {
    IN a, b;
    OUT out;

    Nand(a=a, b=b, out=aNandb);
    Not(in=aNandb, out=out);


Similarly, repeat And for 16 times.

 * 16-bit bitwise And:
 * for i = 0..15: out[i] = (a[i] and b[i])

CHIP And16 {
    IN a[16], b[16];
    OUT out[16];

    And(a=a[0], b=b[0], out=out[0]);
    And(a=a[1], b=b[1], out=out[1]);
    And(a=a[2], b=b[2], out=out[2]);
    And(a=a[3], b=b[3], out=out[3]);
    And(a=a[4], b=b[4], out=out[4]);
    And(a=a[5], b=b[5], out=out[5]);
    And(a=a[6], b=b[6], out=out[6]);
    And(a=a[7], b=b[7], out=out[7]);
    And(a=a[8], b=b[8], out=out[8]);
    And(a=a[9], b=b[9], out=out[9]);
    And(a=a[10], b=b[10], out=out[10]);
    And(a=a[11], b=b[11], out=out[11]);
    And(a=a[12], b=b[12], out=out[12]);
    And(a=a[13], b=b[13], out=out[13]);
    And(a=a[14], b=b[14], out=out[14]);
    And(a=a[15], b=b[15], out=out[15]);


Note that (x Or y) = NOT(NOT(x) AND NOT(y)).

 * Or gate:
 * out = 1 if (a == 1 or b == 1)
 *       0 otherwise

    IN a, b;
    OUT out;

    Not(in=a, out=Nota);
    Not(in=b, out=Notb);
    And(a=Nota, b=Notb, out=NotaAndNotb);
    Not(in=NotaAndNotb, out=out);


 * 16-bit bitwise Or:
 * for i = 0..15 out[i] = (a[i] or b[i])

CHIP Or16 {
    IN a[16], b[16];
    OUT out[16];

    Or(a=a[0], b=b[0], out=out[0]);
    Or(a=a[1], b=b[1], out=out[1]);
    Or(a=a[2], b=b[2], out=out[2]);
    Or(a=a[3], b=b[3], out=out[3]);
    Or(a=a[4], b=b[4], out=out[4]);
    Or(a=a[5], b=b[5], out=out[5]);
    Or(a=a[6], b=b[6], out=out[6]);
    Or(a=a[7], b=b[7], out=out[7]);
    Or(a=a[8], b=b[8], out=out[8]);
    Or(a=a[9], b=b[9], out=out[9]);
    Or(a=a[10], b=b[10], out=out[10]);
    Or(a=a[11], b=b[11], out=out[11]);
    Or(a=a[12], b=b[12], out=out[12]);
    Or(a=a[13], b=b[13], out=out[13]);
    Or(a=a[14], b=b[14], out=out[14]);
    Or(a=a[15], b=b[15], out=out[15]);


Connect all the eight inputs together end to end with Or.

 * 8-way Or:
 * out = (in[0] or in[1] or ... or in[7])

CHIP Or8Way {
    IN in[8];
    OUT out;

    Or(a=in[0], b=in[1], out=or1);
    Or(a=or1, b=in[2], out=or2);
    Or(a=or2, b=in[3], out=or3);
    Or(a=or3, b=in[4], out=or4);
    Or(a=or4, b=in[5], out=or5);
    Or(a=or5, b=in[6], out=or6);
    Or(a=or6, b=in[7], out=out);


List the truth table of XOR, and then you will find that (x XOR y) = (NOT(x) AND y) OR (x AND NOT(y)).

 * Exclusive-or gate:
 * out = not (a == b)

CHIP Xor {
    IN a, b;
    OUT out;

    Not(in=a, out=Nota);
    Not(in=b, out=Notb);
    And(a=Nota, b=b, out=NotaAndb);
    And(a=a, b=Notb, out=aAndNotb);
    Or(a=NotaAndb, b=aAndNotb, out=out);


List the truth table, and find the disjunctive normal formula:

MUX(a, b, sel) = (NOT(a) AND b AND sel)
              OR (a AND NOT(b) AND NOT(sel))
              OR (a AND b AND NOT(sel))
              OR (a AND b AND sel)
 * Multiplexor:
 * out = a if sel == 0
 *       b otherwise

CHIP Mux {
    IN a, b, sel;
    OUT out;

    Not(in=a, out=Nota);
    Not(in=b, out=Notb);
    Not(in=sel, out=Notsel);
    And(a=Nota, b=b, out=p1p);
    And(a=p1p, b=sel, out=p1);
    And(a=a, b=Notb, out=p2p);
    And(a=p2p, b=Notsel, out=p2);
    And(a=a, b=b, out=p34p);
    And(a=p34p, b=Notsel, out=p3);
    And(a=p34p, b=sel, out=p4);
    Or(a=p1, b=p2, out=o1);
    Or(a=o1, b=p3, out=o2);
    Or(a=o2, b=p4, out=out);


 * 16-bit multiplexor:
 * for i = 0..15 out[i] = a[i] if sel == 0
 *                        b[i] if sel == 1

CHIP Mux16 {
    IN a[16], b[16], sel;
    OUT out[16];

    Mux(a=a[0], b=b[0], sel=sel, out=out[0]);
    Mux(a=a[1], b=b[1], sel=sel, out=out[1]);
    Mux(a=a[2], b=b[2], sel=sel, out=out[2]);
    Mux(a=a[3], b=b[3], sel=sel, out=out[3]);
    Mux(a=a[4], b=b[4], sel=sel, out=out[4]);
    Mux(a=a[5], b=b[5], sel=sel, out=out[5]);
    Mux(a=a[6], b=b[6], sel=sel, out=out[6]);
    Mux(a=a[7], b=b[7], sel=sel, out=out[7]);
    Mux(a=a[8], b=b[8], sel=sel, out=out[8]);
    Mux(a=a[9], b=b[9], sel=sel, out=out[9]);
    Mux(a=a[10], b=b[10], sel=sel, out=out[10]);
    Mux(a=a[11], b=b[11], sel=sel, out=out[11]);
    Mux(a=a[12], b=b[12], sel=sel, out=out[12]);
    Mux(a=a[13], b=b[13], sel=sel, out=out[13]);
    Mux(a=a[14], b=b[14], sel=sel, out=out[14]);
    Mux(a=a[15], b=b[15], sel=sel, out=out[15]);


The idea of the implementation is classify the four inputs into two groups, and use two layers of Mux16;


 * 4-way 16-bit multiplexor:
 * out = a if sel == 00
 *       b if sel == 01
 *       c if sel == 10
 *       d if sel == 11

CHIP Mux4Way16 {
    IN a[16], b[16], c[16], d[16], sel[2];
    OUT out[16];

    Mux16(a=a, b=b, sel=sel[0], out=ab);
    Mux16(a=c, b=d, sel=sel[0], out=cd);
    Mux16(a=ab, b=cd, sel=sel[1], out=out);


 * 8-way 16-bit multiplexor:
 * out = a if sel == 000
 *       b if sel == 001
 *       etc.
 *       h if sel == 111

CHIP Mux8Way16 {
    IN a[16], b[16], c[16], d[16],
       e[16], f[16], g[16], h[16],
    OUT out[16];

    Mux4Way16(a=a, b=b, c=c, d=d, sel=sel[0..1], out=abcd);
    Mux4Way16(a=e, b=f, c=g, d=h, sel=sel[0..1], out=efgh);
    Mux16(a=abcd, b=efgh, sel=sel[2], out=out);


 * Demultiplexor:
 * {a, b} = {in, 0} if sel == 0
 *          {0, in} if sel == 1

    IN in, sel;
    OUT a, b;

    Not(in=sel, out=Notsel);
    And(a=in, b=Notsel, out=a);
    And(a=in, b=sel, out=b);



 * 4-way demultiplexor:
 * {a, b, c, d} = {in, 0, 0, 0} if sel == 00
 *                {0, in, 0, 0} if sel == 01
 *                {0, 0, in, 0} if sel == 10
 *                {0, 0, 0, in} if sel == 11

CHIP DMux4Way {
    IN in, sel[2];
    OUT a, b, c, d;

    DMux(in=in, sel=sel[1], a=ab, b=cd);
    DMux(in=ab, sel=sel[0], a=a, b=b);
    DMux(in=cd, sel=sel[0], a=c, b=d);


 * 8-way demultiplexor:
 * {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h} = {in, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} if sel == 000
 *                            {0, in, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} if sel == 001
 *                            etc.
 *                            {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, in} if sel == 111

CHIP DMux8Way {
    IN in, sel[3];
    OUT a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h;

    DMux(in=in, sel=sel[2], a=abcd, b=efgh);
    DMux4Way(in=abcd, sel=sel[0..1], a=a, b=b, c=c, d=d);
    DMux4Way(in=efgh, sel=sel[0..1], a=e, b=f, c=g, d=h);