Notes for 《tmux Productive Mouse-Free Development》
Published at 2023-08-05
Last update over 365 days ago
Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Notes for tmux Productive Mouse-Free Development written by Brian P. Hogan.
Learning The Basics
Starting tmux
To start tmux:
To close the tmux session:
To create named session:
tmux new-session -s basic # creates a named session called "basic"
# or
tmux new -s basic
Detaching and Attaching Sessions
To detach from the current tmux session, press:
then d
where d
stands for "detach".
If you have changed your Prefix
, change Ctrl
to your own Prefix
Reattaching to Existing Sessions
We can list existing tmux sessions using the command:
tmux list-sessions
# or
tmux ls
To attach to a specific session, we use the attach
If we only have one session running, we can simply attach to it with
tmux attach
If we create a new tmux instance in the background using the command:
tmux new -s second_session -d
We can attach to this session by using the -t
tmux attach -t second_session
Killing Sessions
We can type exit
within a session to destroy that session, but we can also kill off sessions with the kill-session
tmux kill-session -t basic
tmux kill-session -t second_session
Working with Windows
Windows are similar to tabs in web browsers.
By using the -n
flag, we can name the first window in a session:
tmux new -s windows -n shell # creates a session called "windows"
Creating and Naming Windows
To create a window in the current session, press:
Creating a window like this automatically brings the new window into focus.
To rename a windows, press:
Moving Between Windows
We can cycle throw the windows with Prefix
(next window) or Prefix
(previous window).
By default, windows in tmux each have a number, starting at 0. We can quickly jump to the first window with Prefix
, and the second window with Prefix
Press Prefix
to find a window by name (if we named our windows).
Press Prefix
to display a visual menu of our windows so we can select the one we'd like.
Press Prefix
or type exit
to close the current window.
Working with Panes
What's the difference between panes and windows?
In tmux, panes and windows are two different concepts that refer to distinct components of the terminal multiplexer.
- Windows: In tmux, a window is a single "view" or "tab" within the session. Each window occupies the entire terminal screen and can hold one or more panes. Windows are independent entities that can be created, closed, and switched between. They are typically used to organize and manage different tasks or applications within a tmux session. You can think of windows as similar to tabs in a web browser or a terminal emulator.
- Panes: A pane, on the other hand, is a subdivision of a window. It allows you to split a window into multiple resizable and scrollable regions. Each pane within a window can run its own command or application, effectively allowing you to work on multiple tasks simultaneously within a single window. Panes can be split both horizontally and vertically, and you can resize, rearrange, and interact with them independently.
To summarize, windows are the main containers that hold one or more panes, while panes are the subdivisions within a window where you can run different commands or applications. Windows provide a way to switch between different contexts or tasks, while panes enable multitasking within a single window.
splits the current pane with horizontal layout.
splits the current pane with vertical layout.
To cycle through the panes, press Prefix
Use Prefix
/ Down
/ Left
/ Right
to move around the panes.
Closing Panes
Press Prefix
or type exit
Working with Command Mode
To enter Command mode, press Prefix
What's Next?
Press Prefix
to get a list of all predefined tmux keybindings and the associated commands.
Configuring tmux
Introducing the .tmux.conf File
By default, tmux looks for configuration settings in two places. It first looks in /etc/tmux.conf
for a system-wide configuration. It then looks for a file called .tmux.conf
in the current user's home directory (~
Defining an Easier Prefix
Many tmux users started out using GNU-Screen, which uses Ctrl
for its command prefix.
To redefine our tmux prefix to Ctrl
, add this code to our .tmux.conf
set-option -g prefix C-a
# or
set -g prefix C-a
where the -g
switch, for "global", sets the option for al tmux sessions we create.
We can use the unbind-key
or unbind
command to remove a keybinding:
unbind C-b
Enter tmux's Command mode with Prefix
and type this to apply the changes:
source-file ~/.tmux.conf
Changing the Default Delay
tmux adds a very small delay when sending commands, and this delay can interfere with other programs such as the Vim text editor. We can set this delay so it's much more responsive:
set -sg escape-time 1
Setting the Windows and Panes Index
The default index starts at zero. We can set it to one:
set -g base-index 1 # for windows
setw -g pane-base-index 1 # for panes
where setw
is the shortened version of set-window-option
Creating a Shortcut to Reload the Configuration
We can use the bind
command to define a new keybinding. Here we set Prefix
so it reloads our main .tmux.conf
file in the current session:
bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf
Don't forget to type source-file ~/.tmux.conf
to apply the configuration.
We can use the display
command to put a message in the status line when we the reloading finished:
bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display "Reloaded!"
You can see that we can bind a series of commands by separating the commands with the \;
character combination.
(Not suggested) We can define keybindings that don't require a prefix. For example, this makes Ctrl
reload the configuration file:
bind-key -n C-r source-file ~/.tmux.conf
Sending the Prefix to Other Applications
We've remapped Ctrl
as our Prefix
, but programs such as Vim, Emacs and even the regular Bash shell also use that combination. We need to configure tmux to let us send that command through when we need it. We can also do that by binding the send-prefix
command to a keystroke, like this:
bind C-a send-prefix
Splitting Panes
The default keys for splitting panes can be difficult to remember, so let's set our own keys that we won't be able to forget. We'll set the horizontal split to Prefix
and the vertical split to Prefix
bind | split-window -h
bind - split-window -v
At first glance, this may look backwards. The
flags onsplit-window
stand forvertical
splits, but to tmux, a vertical split means creating a new pane below the existing pane so the panes are stacked vertically on top of each other. A horizontal split means creating a new pane next to the existing one so the panes are stacked horizontally across the screen. So, in order to divide the window vertically, we use a "horizontal" split, and to divide it horizontally, we use a "vertical" split.
Remapping Movement Keys
To use h
, j
, k
, l
as movement keys:
bind h select-pane -L
bind j select-pane -D
bind k select-pane -U
bind l select-pane -R
To use Prefix
and Prefix
to cycle through the windows:
bind -r C-h select-window -t :-
bind -r C-l select-window -t :+
Resizing Panes
To define Prefix
, Prefix
, Prefix
and Prefix
to change the size of the panes:
bind -r H resize-pane -L 5
bind -r J resize-pane -D 5
bind -r K resize-pane -U 5
bind -r L resize-pane -R 5
specify that we want the key to be repeatable, meaning we can press the prefix key only once and the continuously press the defined key within the repeat limit.
The default repeat limit is 500 milliseconds, and we can change that by setting the repeat-time
option to a higher value.
Handling the Mouse
To enable mouse mode:
setw -g mode-mouse on
set -g mouse-select-pane on
set -g mouse-resize-pane on
set -g mouse-select-window on