Notes for Nand2Tetris: Memory
Published at 2023-07-09
Last update over 365 days ago
Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
This is a note for Nand2Tetris unit 3.
So many pictures in this unit. Highly recommended to read the textbook.
Unit 3.1
Combinatorial Logic vs Sequential Logic
- Combinatorial:
- Sequential:
Unit 3.2
Flip Flops (触发器)
The Clock Data Flip Flop (DFF):
Implementation of the DFF:
- In this course, it's a primitive
- In many physical implementations, it may be built from actual Nand gates:
- create a "loop" achieving an "un-clocked" flip flop
- isolation across time steps using a "master-slave" step up
Bit (1-bit Register):
if load[t-1]:
out[t] = in[t-1]
out[t] = out[t-1]
- w (word width): 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit ...
- Register's state: the value which is currently stored in the register
RAM unit:
A sequence of
At any given point of time, only one register in the RAM is selected.
- k (width of address input):
Unit 3.3
- Main memory: RAM ...
- Secondary memory: disks ...
- volatile / non-volatile
Unit 3.4
Counter's three possible control settings:
- Reset:
- Next:
- Goto:
if reset[t] == 1:
out[t+1] = 0
elif load[t] == 1:
out[t+1] = in[t]
elif inc[t] ==1:
out[t+1] = out[t] + 1
out[t+1] = out[t]
Project 3
Just follow the implementation given in the course, and build a Bit
with a Mux
and a DFF
* 1-bit register:
* If load[t] == 1 then out[t+1] = in[t]
* else out does not change (out[t+1] = out[t])
CHIP Bit {
IN in, load;
OUT out;
Mux(a=dffout, b=in, sel=load, out=dffin);
DFF(in=dffin, out=out, out=dffout);
A Register
is 16 Bit
* 16-bit register:
* If load[t] == 1 then out[t+1] = in[t]
* else out does not change
CHIP Register {
IN in[16], load;
OUT out[16];
Bit(in=in[0], load=load, out=out[0]);
Bit(in=in[1], load=load, out=out[1]);
Bit(in=in[2], load=load, out=out[2]);
Bit(in=in[3], load=load, out=out[3]);
Bit(in=in[4], load=load, out=out[4]);
Bit(in=in[5], load=load, out=out[5]);
Bit(in=in[6], load=load, out=out[6]);
Bit(in=in[7], load=load, out=out[7]);
Bit(in=in[8], load=load, out=out[8]);
Bit(in=in[9], load=load, out=out[9]);
Bit(in=in[10], load=load, out=out[10]);
Bit(in=in[11], load=load, out=out[11]);
Bit(in=in[12], load=load, out=out[12]);
Bit(in=in[13], load=load, out=out[13]);
Bit(in=in[14], load=load, out=out[14]);
Bit(in=in[15], load=load, out=out[15]);
Use DMux
to choose which address to load, then use Mux
to get the loaded values.
* Memory of 8 registers, each 16 bit-wide. Out holds the value
* stored at the memory location specified by address. If load==1, then
* the in value is loaded into the memory location specified by address
* (the loaded value will be emitted to out from the next time step onward).
IN in[16], load, address[3];
OUT out[16];
DMux8Way(in=load, sel=address,
a=reg0l, b=reg1l, c=reg2l, d=reg3l,
e=reg4l, f=reg5l, g=reg6l, h=reg7l);
Register(in=in, load=reg0l, out=reg0o);
Register(in=in, load=reg1l, out=reg1o);
Register(in=in, load=reg2l, out=reg2o);
Register(in=in, load=reg3l, out=reg3o);
Register(in=in, load=reg4l, out=reg4o);
Register(in=in, load=reg5l, out=reg5o);
Register(in=in, load=reg6l, out=reg6o);
Register(in=in, load=reg7l, out=reg7o);
Mux8Way16(a=reg0o, b=reg1o, c=reg2o, d=reg3o,
e=reg4o, f=reg5o, g=reg6o, h=reg7o,
sel=address, out=out);
Group the addresses.
Based on RAM8
* Memory of 64 registers, each 16 bit-wide. Out holds the value
* stored at the memory location specified by address. If load==1, then
* the in value is loaded into the memory location specified by address
* (the loaded value will be emitted to out from the next time step onward).
IN in[16], load, address[6];
OUT out[16];
DMux8Way(in=load, sel=address[3..5],
a=ram80l, b=ram81l, c=ram82l, d=ram83l,
e=ram84l, f=ram85l, g=ram86l, h=ram87l);
RAM8(in=in, load=ram80l, address=address[0..2], out=ram80o);
RAM8(in=in, load=ram81l, address=address[0..2], out=ram81o);
RAM8(in=in, load=ram82l, address=address[0..2], out=ram82o);
RAM8(in=in, load=ram83l, address=address[0..2], out=ram83o);
RAM8(in=in, load=ram84l, address=address[0..2], out=ram84o);
RAM8(in=in, load=ram85l, address=address[0..2], out=ram85o);
RAM8(in=in, load=ram86l, address=address[0..2], out=ram86o);
RAM8(in=in, load=ram87l, address=address[0..2], out=ram87o);
Mux8Way16(a=ram80o, b=ram81o, c=ram82o, d=ram83o,
e=ram84o, f=ram85o, g=ram86o, h=ram87o,
sel=address[3..5], out=out);
Based on RAM64
* Memory of 512 registers, each 16 bit-wide. Out holds the value
* stored at the memory location specified by address. If load==1, then
* the in value is loaded into the memory location specified by address
* (the loaded value will be emitted to out from the next time step onward).
IN in[16], load, address[9];
OUT out[16];
DMux8Way(in=load, sel=address[6..8],
a=ram640l, b=ram641l, c=ram642l, d=ram643l,
e=ram644l, f=ram645l, g=ram646l, h=ram647l);
RAM64(in=in, load=ram640l, address=address[0..5], out=ram640o);
RAM64(in=in, load=ram641l, address=address[0..5], out=ram641o);
RAM64(in=in, load=ram642l, address=address[0..5], out=ram642o);
RAM64(in=in, load=ram643l, address=address[0..5], out=ram643o);
RAM64(in=in, load=ram644l, address=address[0..5], out=ram644o);
RAM64(in=in, load=ram645l, address=address[0..5], out=ram645o);
RAM64(in=in, load=ram646l, address=address[0..5], out=ram646o);
RAM64(in=in, load=ram647l, address=address[0..5], out=ram647o);
Mux8Way16(a=ram640o, b=ram641o, c=ram642o, d=ram643o,
e=ram644o, f=ram645o, g=ram646o, h=ram647o,
sel=address[6..8], out=out);
Based on RAM512
* Memory of 4K registers, each 16 bit-wide. Out holds the value
* stored at the memory location specified by address. If load==1, then
* the in value is loaded into the memory location specified by address
* (the loaded value will be emitted to out from the next time step onward).
IN in[16], load, address[12];
OUT out[16];
DMux8Way(in=load, sel=address[9..11],
a=ram5120l, b=ram5121l, c=ram5122l, d=ram5123l,
e=ram5124l, f=ram5125l, g=ram5126l, h=ram5127l);
RAM512(in=in, load=ram5120l, address=address[0..8], out=ram5120o);
RAM512(in=in, load=ram5121l, address=address[0..8], out=ram5121o);
RAM512(in=in, load=ram5122l, address=address[0..8], out=ram5122o);
RAM512(in=in, load=ram5123l, address=address[0..8], out=ram5123o);
RAM512(in=in, load=ram5124l, address=address[0..8], out=ram5124o);
RAM512(in=in, load=ram5125l, address=address[0..8], out=ram5125o);
RAM512(in=in, load=ram5126l, address=address[0..8], out=ram5126o);
RAM512(in=in, load=ram5127l, address=address[0..8], out=ram5127o);
Mux8Way16(a=ram5120o, b=ram5121o, c=ram5122o, d=ram5123o,
e=ram5124o, f=ram5125o, g=ram5126o, h=ram5127o,
sel=address[9..11], out=out);
Based on RAM4K
* Memory of 16K registers, each 16 bit-wide. Out holds the value
* stored at the memory location specified by address. If load==1, then
* the in value is loaded into the memory location specified by address
* (the loaded value will be emitted to out from the next time step onward).
IN in[16], load, address[14];
OUT out[16];
DMux4Way(in=load, sel=address[12..13],
a=ram4K0l, b=ram4K1l, c=ram4K2l, d=ram4K3l);
RAM4K(in=in, load=ram4K0l, address=address[0..11], out=ram4K0o);
RAM4K(in=in, load=ram4K1l, address=address[0..11], out=ram4K1o);
RAM4K(in=in, load=ram4K2l, address=address[0..11], out=ram4K2o);
RAM4K(in=in, load=ram4K3l, address=address[0..11], out=ram4K3o);
Mux4Way16(a=ram4K0o, b=ram4K1o, c=ram4K2o, d=ram4K3o,
sel=address[12..13], out=out);
is Program Counter.
* A 16-bit counter with load and reset control bits.
* if (reset[t] == 1) out[t+1] = 0
* else if (load[t] == 1) out[t+1] = in[t]
* else if (inc[t] == 1) out[t+1] = out[t] + 1 (integer addition)
* else out[t+1] = out[t]
IN in[16], load, inc, reset;
OUT out[16];
Inc16(in=original, out=increased);
Mux16(a=original, b=increased, sel=inc, out=o1);
Mux16(a=o1, b=in, sel=load, out=o2);
Mux16(a=o2, b=false, sel=reset, out=o3);
Register(in=o3, load=true, out=out, out=original);
My current understanding here is not yet complete. But as I understand it now, the thinking here should be as follows:
First, the idea about this one Inc16
and three Mux16
s. Let's split this four-branch conditional
if (reset[t] == 1) out[t+1] = 0
else if (load[t] == 1) out[t+1] = in[t]
else if (inc[t] == 1) out[t+1] = out[t] + 1 // (integer addition)
else out[t+1] = out[t]
into nested three-level if-else statements. Since Mux
can only choose which state to keep, and cannot choose what state is needed before calculating that state, we have to analyze this nested if-else statement from the innermost level outwards. And, in terms of requirements, the top requirement will override the bottom requirement, i.e. the reset instruction will hide the load instruction, and the load instruction will hide the inc instruction. By working from the bottom up, we achieve exactly this override.
In order to use Mux
, it is logical to find out what the new state of the current state (original
) should be after reset
, load
and inc
. The new state after reset
is false
, and the new state after load
is in
, without any computation. Only the state after inc
needs to be obtained using Inc16
, in this case which is increased
Next, the original
. At first I thought this was in
, but in fact, because of the sequential logic, all operations here should be done on the basis of the current state of the chip in the PC
. So, here the current state is noted as original
and this original
is updated on the last line.