Notes for Nand2Tetris: Computer Architecture
Published at 2023-07-12
Last update over 365 days ago
Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Table of Content
- Unit 5.1
- Unit 5.2
- The basic CPU loop
- Fetching
- Executing
- Fetch-Execute Clash
- Solution: Mux and Instruction register
- Simpler solution: Harvard Architecture
- Unit 5.3
- Abstraction of the Hack CPU
- The overall computer architecture
- Hack CPU Interface
- Hack CPU Implementation
- Instruction handling
- ALU operation
- Jump
- Unit 5.4
- Hack CPU Operation
- Memory
- Instruction Memory (ROM)
- Hack Computer implementation
- Unit 5.5
- Project 5
- CPU.hdl
- Memory.hdl
- Computer.hdl
This is a note for Nand2Tetris Unit 5.
Unit 5.1
Same Hardware can run many different Software programs.
- Theory: Universal Turing Machine
- Practice: Von Neumann Architecture
Memory stores Data and Program. CPU is composed of ALU and Registers.
Registers store both Data and Addresses.
Unit 5.2
The Fetch-Execute Cycle
The basic CPU loop
- Fetch an instruction from the Program memory
- Execute it
- Put the location of the next instruction into the "address" of the program memory
- Get the instruction code itself by reading the memory contents at that location
Use program counter.
Fetch-Execute Clash
How to solve that? Do one after the other (Use Mux
Solution: Mux and Instruction register
Simpler solution: Harvard Architecture
- Variant of Von Neumann Architecture
- Keep Program and Data in two separate memory modules
- Complication avoided
Unit 5.3
Abstraction of the Hack CPU
A 16-bit processor, designed to:
- Execute the current instruction
- Figure out which instruction to execute next (instructions written in the Hack language)
The overall computer architecture
Hack CPU Interface
Hack CPU Implementation
Instruction handling
When handling A-instruction (op-code is 0), the Mux16
takes the input from instruction, while handling C-instruction (op-code is 1), it should be from the output of ALU.
CPU handling of an A-instruction:
- Decodes the instruction into op-code + 15-bit value
- Stores the value in the A-register
- Outputs the value
CPU handling of a C-instruction:
- Decodes the instruction into four parts (op-code, ALU control bits, Destination load bits and Jump bits)
- ...
ALU operation
ALU data inputs:
- From the D-register
- From the A-register / M-register
ALU control inputs:
- Control bits (from the instruction)
ALU data output:
- Result of AlU calculation, fed simultaneously to: D-register, A-register, M-register
- Which register actually received the incoming value is determined by the instructions' destination bits
ALU control outputs:
- Negative output?
- Zero output?
Program Counter abstraction:
Emits the address of the next instruction:
To start / restart the program's execution: PC=0
- no jump:
- goto:
- conditional goto: if the condition is true
if reset==1:
# current instruction
load = f(jump_bits, ALU_control_outputs) # the load bit of PC
if load==1:
Unit 5.4
Hack CPU Operation
Sample Hack instructions:
The CPU executes the instruction according to the Hack language specification:
- If the instruction includes D and A, the respective values are read from, and/or written to, the CPU-resident D-register and A-register;
- If the instruction is @x, then x is stored in the A-register; this value is emitted by
- If the instruction's RHS includes M, this value is read from
- If the instruction's LHS includes M, then the ALU output is emitted by
, and thewriteM
bit is asserted
If (reset==0):
The CPU logic uses the instruction's jump bits and the ALU's output to decide if there should be a jump.
- If there is a jump:
is set to the value of the A-register - Else (no jump):
The updated PC
value is emitted by pc
If (reset==1):
is set to 0, pc
emits 0 (causing a program restart)
We divide the memory to three segments.
- Address 0 to 16383: data memory
- Address 16384 to 24575: screen memory map
- Address 24576: keyboard memory map
- RAM: 16-bit / 16K RAM chip
- Screen: 16-bit / 8K memory chip with a raster display (光栅显示) side-effect
- Keyboard: 16-bit register with a keyboard side-effect
To turn pixel(row, col) on/off:
In the Hack Memory context:
To read the keyboard:
- Probe the output of the Keyboard register
- In the Hack Memory context: probe memory register 24576
Instruction Memory (ROM)
To run a program on the Hack computer:
- Load the program into the ROM
- Press "reset"
- The program starts running
Hardware implementation: plug-and-play ROM chips
Hardware simulation: programs are stored in text files; program loading is emulated by the built-in ROM chip
Hack Computer implementation
Unit 5.5
Project 5
吐槽:一开始我想的是,连设计图都给我了,我还能做不出来吗?前人已经载好了树,我这乘凉还不容易吗?实际上手才发现,CPU 不愧是 CPU,即使是这样一个非常简化的版本,也是相当复杂的。这凉,还真不是那么好乘。:x
记录一下制作这个 CPU 的思考过程:
首先,按照设计图,把 ALU
和两个 Mux16
接着,接线,把一些能连起来的 PIN 口连起来,为了搞清楚输入输出,我在图上将变量名都标出了(例如 ALU output 标记为 aluo,A Register 的输出标记为 ao 等等);
最后,最复杂的一步,填入 control bits(包括 sel bits, load bits 等等)。
在构造这些 control bits 之前,我们需要明确:这个 CPU 将处理 A-instruction 和 C-instruction 两类指令,这意味着 control bits 与指令类型有关。并且,分析这两类指令可以发现:
- A-instruction 必然改变并且只改变
的值; - C-instruction 可以改变
、M Register 和PC
的值,具体是否改变取决于 instruction。
明确这点后,让我们来构造第一个 control bit: 第一个 Mux16
的 sel。这个 Mux16
接受 instruction 和 ALU output,并且将结果(我这里的标记是 mo1,Mux output 1)传给 ARegister
。Unit 5.3 Instruction handling 部分说的很清楚,当处理 op-code(也就是 instruction[15])是 0 的 A-instruction 时,这个 Mux16
读入 instruction,否则,读入 ALU output。所以,我们的一号 Mux16
Mux16(a=instruction, b=aluo, sel=instruction[15], out=mo1); // Mux 1
我构造的第二个 control bit 是第二个 Mux16
的 sel。观察指令表的 comp 部分,可以发现:指令中的 a=0 和 a=1(这个 a 也就是 instruction[12])决定了传入 ALU
的是 A 还是 M,这与这二号 Mux16
的接线相符合。所以,二号 Mux16
Mux16(a=ao, b=inM, sel=instruction[12], out=mo2); // Mux 2
接下来来构造 ARegister
的 load bit,DRegister
的 load bit 和 控制 writeM 的这三个 control bits。其中 writeM 其实就是控制是否写入内存的 control bit,也就是控制 M Register 的 load bit。观察指令表的 dest 部分,我们可以发现 d1 (instruction[5]),d2 (instruction[4]),d3 (instruction[3]) 分别控制着是否写入 ARegister
,是否写入 DRegister
和是否写入 MRegister
(也就是 writeM 是否为真)。所以这三个 control bits 是不是就分别是 instruction[5],instruction[4] 和 instruction[3] 呢?一开始我就是这么想的,但是,回想前面分析过的两类 instructions 的区别,只有当指令是 C-instruction 时,instruction[5]、[4]、[3] 才分别是 d1、d2、d3(A-instruction 时这几个 bits 都只是 地址的一部分嘛)。所以,这三个 control bits 还需要一些加工:
- 当且仅当指令是 A-instruction 或标记了写入
的 C-instruction 时,loadA 为真 - 当且仅当指令为标记了写入
的 C-instruction 时,loadD 为真 - 当且仅当指令为标记了写入
的 C-instruction 时,writeM 为真
// loadA (a-instruction or c-instruction)
Not(in=instruction[15], out=ainst); // ainst: a-instruction
Or(a=instruction[5], b=ainst, out=loadA);
// loadD (c-instruction)
And(a=instruction[4], b=instruction[15], out=loadD);
// writeM (c-instruction)
And(a=instruction[3], b=instruction[15], out=writeM);
然后让我们来构建 ALU
的 zx, nx, zy, ny, f, no 这几个 control bits。判断的方法应该是观察指令表的 comp 部分。这里其实我只判断了 c5 (instruction[7])、c6 (instruction[6]) 分别表示 f 和 no,然后猜测了一下前面的 c1 到 c4 分别表示 zx、nx、zy、ny。这样,ALU
长这样(注意这里的 zr、ng,后边有大用场):
ALU(x=do, y=mo2,
zx=instruction[11], nx=instruction[10],
zy=instruction[9], ny=instruction[8],
f=instruction[7], no=instruction[6],
out=aluo, out=outM, zr=zr, ng=ng);
最后是 PC
的 control bit。这个 control bit 我觉得是最复杂的一个。回顾 Unit 5.3 Jump 部分,我们可以看到,这个 control bit(我把它叫做 loadPC)由 jump_bits 和 ALU_control_outputs 共同决定:
load = f(jump_bits, ALU_control_outputs) # the load bit of PC
jump_bits 指的就是 j1、j2、j3,也就是 instruction[2]、instruction[1]、instruction[0];ALU_control_outputs 也就是 zr、ng。
观察指令表的 jump 部分,可以发现:j1、j2、j3 分别为真就分别表示这条指令要求 comp 部分指令的结果(也就是 ALU output)分别满足 <0, =0 和 >0。如何判断 ALU output 是否满足 <0、=0、>0 呢?zr、ng 就派上了用场,它们就分别表示 =0 和 <0,而表示 >0 的 ps(positive 的简写)则可以用 zr 和 ng 构造:ps = NOT(ng OR zr) = NOT(zr) and NOT(ng)
。将 ng, zr, ps 分别与 j1, j2, j3 进行与操作,就可以得出计算结果是否满足指令要求的 <0、=0、>0 了,将这些与的结果(jlt、jeq、jgt)两两拼接,就可以得到 jle、jne、jge 了。不跳跃就是永假,无条件跳跃的 jmp 则是三路或运算,可以使用 Or8Way
中的前三路进行,后边用不到的全部置为 false 就行了:
// null: false
And(a=ps, b=instruction[0], out=jgt);
And(a=zr, b=instruction[1], out=jeq);
And(a=ng, b=instruction[2], out=jlt);
Or(a=jgt, b=jeq, out=jge); // great than OR equal to
Or(a=jgt, b=jlt, out=jne); // great than OR less than
Or(a=jeq, b=jlt, out=jle); // less than OR equal to
// jmp:
Or8Way(in[0]=jgt, in[1]=jeq, in[2]=jlt, in[3..7]=false, out=jmp);
最后,只要这 8 个中的任一个为真(当然第一个不跳跃为永假,所以事实上其实是后 7 个中的任一个为真),那就是要跳跃的(jump 为真)。但 jump 还不是最后的 loadPC —— 当且仅当指令是 C-instruction 时,jump 才是 loadPC。而 inc 则与 loadPC 的真值相反,因为不跳跃的话,就是执行下一条指令嘛:
// jump or increase
Or8Way(in[0]=false, in[1]=jgt, in[2]=jeq, in[3]=jge,
in[4]=jlt, in[5]=jne, in[6]=jle, in[7]=jmp, out=jump);
// loadPC (c-instruction)
And(a=jump, b=instruction[15], out=loadPC);
Not(in=loadPC, out=increase);
* The Hack CPU (Central Processing unit), consisting of an ALU,
* two registers named A and D, and a program counter named PC.
* The CPU is designed to fetch and execute instructions written in
* the Hack machine language. In particular, functions as follows:
* Executes the inputted instruction according to the Hack machine
* language specification. The D and A in the language specification
* refer to CPU-resident registers, while M refers to the external
* memory location addressed by A, i.e. to Memory[A]. The inM input
* holds the value of this location. If the current instruction needs
* to write a value to M, the value is placed in outM, the address
* of the target location is placed in the addressM output, and the
* writeM control bit is asserted. (When writeM==0, any value may
* appear in outM). The outM and writeM outputs are combinational:
* they are affected instantaneously by the execution of the current
* instruction. The addressM and pc outputs are clocked: although they
* are affected by the execution of the current instruction, they commit
* to their new values only in the next time step. If reset==1 then the
* CPU jumps to address 0 (i.e. pc is set to 0 in next time step) rather
* than to the address resulting from executing the current instruction.
IN inM[16], // M value input (M = contents of RAM[A])
instruction[16], // Instruction for execution
reset; // Signals whether to re-start the current
// program (reset==1) or continue executing
// the current program (reset==0).
OUT outM[16], // M value output
writeM, // Write to M?
addressM[15], // Address in data memory (of M)
pc[15]; // address of next instruction
ALU(x=do, y=mo2,
zx=instruction[11], nx=instruction[10],
zy=instruction[9], ny=instruction[8],
f=instruction[7], no=instruction[6],
out=aluo, out=outM, zr=zr, ng=ng);
ARegister(in=mo1, load=loadA, out=ao, out[0..14]=addressM);
DRegister(in=aluo, load=loadD, out=do);
PC(in=ao, load=loadPC, inc=increase, reset=reset, out[0..14]=pc);
Mux16(a=instruction, b=aluo, sel=instruction[15], out=mo1); // Mux 1
Mux16(a=ao, b=inM, sel=instruction[12], out=mo2); // Mux 2
// loadA (a-instruction or c-instruction)
Not(in=instruction[15], out=ainst); // ainst: a-instruction
Or(a=instruction[5], b=ainst, out=loadA);
// loadD (c-instruction)
And(a=instruction[4], b=instruction[15], out=loadD);
// writeM (c-instruction)
And(a=instruction[3], b=instruction[15], out=writeM);
// use `zr` and `ng` to implement conditional jump
// make a `ps` (positive)
Not(in=ng, out=notng);
Not(in=zr, out=notzr);
And(a=notng, b=notzr, out=ps);
// null: false
And(a=ps, b=instruction[0], out=jgt);
And(a=zr, b=instruction[1], out=jeq);
And(a=ng, b=instruction[2], out=jlt);
Or(a=jgt, b=jeq, out=jge); // great than OR equal to
Or(a=jgt, b=jlt, out=jne); // great than OR less than
Or(a=jeq, b=jlt, out=jle); // less than OR equal to
// jmp:
Or8Way(in[0]=jgt, in[1]=jeq, in[2]=jlt, in[3..7]=false, out=jmp);
// jump or increase
Or8Way(in[0]=false, in[1]=jgt, in[2]=jeq, in[3]=jge,
in[4]=jlt, in[5]=jne, in[6]=jle, in[7]=jmp, out=jump);
// loadPC (c-instruction)
And(a=jump, b=instruction[15], out=loadPC);
Not(in=loadPC, out=increase);
核心思想:内存的前几位决定了这片内存是 RAM16K、Screen 还是 Keyboard。
* The complete address space of the Hack computer's memory,
* including RAM and memory-mapped I/O.
* The chip facilitates read and write operations, as follows:
* Read: out(t) = Memory[address(t)](t)
* Write: if load(t-1) then Memory[address(t-1)](t) = in(t-1)
* In words: the chip always outputs the value stored at the memory
* location specified by address. If load==1, the in value is loaded
* into the memory location specified by address. This value becomes
* available through the out output from the next time step onward.
* Address space rules:
* Only the upper 16K+8K+1 words of the Memory chip are used.
* Access to address>0x6000 is invalid. Access to any address in
* the range 0x4000-0x5FFF results in accessing the screen memory
* map. Access to address 0x6000 results in accessing the keyboard
* memory map. The behavior in these addresses is described in the
* Screen and Keyboard chip specifications given in the book.
CHIP Memory {
IN in[16], load, address[15];
OUT out[16];
DMux4Way(in=load, sel=address[13..14], a=loadram1, b=loadram2, c=loadscr, d=loadkbd);
Or(a=loadram1, b=loadram2, out=loadram);
RAM16K(in=in, load=loadram, address=address[0..13], out=ramo);
Screen(in=in, load=loadscr, address=address[0..12], out=scro);
Mux4Way16(a=ramo, b=ramo, c=scro, d=kbdo, sel=address[13..14], out=out);
Just follow the diagram.
* The HACK computer, including CPU, ROM and RAM.
* When reset is 0, the program stored in the computer's ROM executes.
* When reset is 1, the execution of the program restarts.
* Thus, to start a program's execution, reset must be pushed "up" (1)
* and "down" (0). From this point onward the user is at the mercy of
* the software. In particular, depending on the program's code, the
* screen may show some output and the user may be able to interact
* with the computer via the keyboard.
CHIP Computer {
IN reset;
ROM32K(address=pco, out=next);
// memory output, ... , outM output, writeM output, addressM output, pc output
CPU(inM=memo, instruction=next, reset=reset, outM=outmo, writeM=writemo, addressM=addrmo, pc=pco);
Memory(in=outmo, load=writemo, address=addrmo, out=memo);