Notes for Algorithms, Part II: Minimum Spanning Trees
发表于 2023-08-03
更新于 365 日前
许可证 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Introduction
- Greedy algorithm
- Edge-weighted graph API
- Weighted edge
- Edge-weighted graph
- Minimum spanning tree API
- Kruskal's algorithm
- Kruskal's algorithm: implementation challenge
- Kruskal's algorithm: Java implementation
- Kruskal's algorithm: running time
- Prim's algorithm
- Prim's algorithm: implementation challenge
- Prim's algorithm: lazy implementation
- Lazy Prim's algorithm: running time
- Prim's algorithm: eager implementation
- Indexed priority queue
- Personal Summery
- Kruskal 算法
- Prim 算法
This is a note for 4.3 Minimum Spanning Trees, Algorithms, Part II.
Given. Undirected graph
Def. A spanning tree of
Goal. Find a min weight spanning tree.
Greedy algorithm
Def. A cut in a graph is a partition of its vertices into two (nonempty) sets.
Def. A crossing edge connects a vertex in one set with a vertex in the other.
Cut property. Given any cut, the crossing edge of min weight is in the MST.
Greedy MST algorithm:
- Start with all edges colored gray.
- Find cut with no black crossing edges; color its min-weight edge black.
- Repeat until
edges are colored black.
Edge-weighted graph API
Weighted edge
public class Edge implements Comparable<Edge> {
private final int v, w;
private final double weight;
public Edge(int v, int w, double weight) {
this.v = v;
this.w = w;
this.weight = weight;
public int either() {
return v;
public int other(int vertex) {
if (vertex == v) {
return w;
} else {
return v;
public int compareTo(Edge that) {
if (this.weight < that.weight) return -1;
else if (this.weight > that.weight) return +1;
else return 0;
Edge-weighted graph
public class EdgeWeightedGraph {
private final int V;
private final Bag<Edge>[] adj; // same as Graph, but adjacency lists of Edges instead of integers
public EdgeWeightedGraph(int V) {
this.V = V;
adj = (Bag<Edge>[]) new Bag[V];
for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) {
adj[v] = new Bag<Edge>();
public void addEdge(Edge e) {
int v = e.either();
int w = e.other(v);
public Iterable<Edge> adj(int v) {
return adj[v];
Minimum spanning tree API
Kruskal's algorithm
Consider edges in ascending order (升序) of weight.
- Add next edge to tree
unless doing so would create a cycle.
(Kruskal's algorithm is a special case of the greedy MST algorithm.)
Kruskal's algorithm: implementation challenge
Challenge. Would adding edge
Difficulty. Union-find (log* V), DFS (V)
Efficient solution. Use the union-find data structure.
- Maintain a set for each connected component in
. - If
and are in same set, then adding would create a cycle. - To add
to , merge sets containing and .
Kruskal's algorithm: Java implementation
public class KruskalMST {
private Queue<Edge> mst = new Queue<Edge>();
public KruskalMST(EdgeWeightedGraph G) {
MinPQ<Edge> pq = new MinPQ<Edge>();
for (Edge e : G.edges()) {
UF uf = new UF(G.V());
while (!pq.isEmpty() && mst.size() < G.V() - 1) {
Edge e = pq.delMin();
int v = e.either();
int w = e.other(v);
if (!uf.connected(v, w)) {
uf.union(v, w);
public Iterable<Edge> edges() {
return mst;
Kruskal's algorithm: running time
Kruskal's algorithm computes MST in time proportional to
operation | frequency | time per op |
build pq | 1 | E log E |
delete-min | E | log E |
union | V | log* V (*) |
connected | E | log* V (*) |
* amortized (摊销的) bound using weighted quick union with path compression
Prim's algorithm
- Start with vertex
and greedily grow tree . - Add to
the min weight edge with exactly one endpoint in . - Repeat until
(Prim's algorithm is a special case of the greedy MST algorithm.)
Prim's algorithm: implementation challenge
Challenge. Find the min weight edge with exactly one endpoint in
Prim's algorithm: lazy implementation
Lazy solution. Maintain a PQ of edges with (at least) one endpoint in
- Key = edge; priority = weight of edge.
- Delete-min to determine next edge
to add to . - Disregard (忽略) if both endpoints
and are marked (both in ). - Otherwise, let
be the unmarked vertex (not in ): - add to PQ any edge incident to
(assuming other endpoint not in ) - add
to and mark
- add to PQ any edge incident to
public class LazyPrimMST {
private boolean[] marked; // MST vertices
private Queue<Edge> mst; // MST edges
private MinPQ<Edge> pq; // PQ of edges
public LazyPrimMST(WeightedGraph G) {
pq = new MinPQ<Edge>();
mst = new Queue<Edge>();
marked = new boolean[G.V()];
visit(G, 0);
while (!pq.isEmpty() && mst.size() < G.V() - 1) {
Edge e = pq.delMin();
int v = e.either(), w = e.other(v);
if (marked[v] && marked[w]) continue;
if (!marked[v]) visit(G, v);
if (!marked[w]) visit(G, w);
private void visit(WeightedGraph G, int v) {
marked[v] = true;
for (Edge e : G.adj(v)) {
if (!marked[e.other(v)]) {
public Iterable<Edge> mst() {
return mst;
Lazy Prim's algorithm: running time
Lazy Prim's algorithm computes the MST in time proportional to
operation | frequency | binary heap |
delete min | E | log E |
insert | E | log E |
Prim's algorithm: eager implementation
Eager solution. Maintain a PQ of vertices (pq has at most one entry per vertex) connected by an edge to
- Delete min vertex
and add its associated edge to . - Update PQ by considering all edges
incident to - ignore if
is already in - add
to PQ if not already on it - decrease priority of
if becomes shortest edge connecting to
- ignore if
Indexed priority queue
Associate an index between
- Client can insert and delete-the-minimum.
- Client can change the key by specifying the index.
- Start with same code as
. - Maintain parallel arrays
, andqp[]
so that:keys[i]
is the priority ofi
is the index of the key in heap positioni
is the heap position of the key with indexi
- Use
implementdecreaseKey(i, key)
Personal Summery
Kruskal 算法
- 按照边的权重升序排序
- 在确保不会产生环的情况下,逐个将边加入到生成树中
前置算法 / 数据结构:
- 优先队列
- 并查集
Prim 算法
- 选定一个起始顶点(比如
) - 从起始顶点开始,贪心地扩展生成树。具体方法是:找到与已经生成的树相连的权重最小的边,并把它加入到生成树中
- 重复该过程直到生成树的边数达到
Lazy 实现使用优先队列存储至少一个端点在生成树中的边,通过删除最小值操作来选择要加入生成树的边。如果边的两个端点都已标记,则忽略该边;否则,将未标记的顶点加入到生成树中并将与之相连的边添加到优先队列中。
Eager 实现使用优先队列存储与生成树相连的顶点,每个顶点的优先级表示连接该顶点与生成树的最短边的权重。通过删除最小顶点并更新优先队列来选择要加入生成树的边。
Prim 算法的两种实现的区别体现在哪里?
Prim 算法的两种实现方式(懒惰实现和积极实现)主要区别在于它们选择和处理边的方式以及对优先队列的使用。下面是它们的区别和原因:
懒惰实现(Lazy Implementation): 在懒惰实现中,使用优先队列存储至少一个端点在生成树中的边。具体实现步骤包括:
- 每次从优先队列中删除最小边(权重最小)。
- 检查该边的两个端点是否已经都在生成树中(标记过)。
- 如果两个端点都已标记,则忽略该边,继续下一轮删除操作。
- 如果其中一个端点未标记,则将它加入生成树,并将与该端点相连的边添加到优先队列中。
积极实现(Eager Implementation): 在积极实现中,使用优先队列存储与生成树相连的顶点,每个顶点的优先级表示连接该顶点与生成树的最短边的权重。具体实现步骤包括:
- 每次从优先队列中删除最小顶点(优先级最小)。
- 将与该顶点相连的所有边考虑在内。
- 如果边的另一个端点已经在生成树中,则忽略该边。
- 如果边的另一个端点不在生成树中,则更新优先队列中该端点的优先级(权重)。
总之,懒惰实现和积极实现是 Prim 算法在处理边和优先队列上的不同策略,根据具体情况选择合适的实现方式可以提高算法的效率。