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Type Safety and std::optional in C++

published at 2023-05-31
c & c++ cs106l note

This is a note for Lecture 14, CS106L, Spring 2023.


  • We pass big pieces of data by reference into helper functions by to avoid making copies of that data
  • If this function accidentally or sneakily changes that piece of data, it can lead to hard to find bugs!
  • Solution: mark those reference parameters const to guarantee they won’t be changed in function

How does the compiler know when it’s safe to call member functions of const variables?


  • const-interface: All member functions marked const in a class definition. Objects of type const ClassName may only use the const-interface.


RealVector’s const-interface

template<class ValueType>
class RealVector {
  using iterator = ValueType*;
  using const_iterator = const ValueType*;
  size_t size() const;  // const-interface
  bool empty() const;   // const-interface
  void push_back(const ValueType& elem);
  iterator begin();
  iterator end();
  const_iterator cbegin() const; // const-interface
  const_iterator cend() const;   // const-interface


Sometimes less functionality is better functionality

  • Technically, adding a const-interface only limits what RealVector objects marked const can do
  • Using types to enforce assumptions we make about function calls help us prevent programmer errors!



  • Type Safety: The extent to which a language prevents typing errors and guarantees the behavior of programs


Let’s look at the code below:

void removeOddsFromEnd(vector<int>& vec) {
  while (vec.back() % 2 == 1) {

Aside: vector::back() returns a reference to the last element in the vector vector::pop_back() is like the opposite of vector::push_back(elem). It removes the last element from the vector

What happens when input is {}? It causes undefined behavior. Function could crash, could give us garbage, could accidentally give us some actual value.

We can make NO guarantees about this function does!

One solution to the issue above is:

void removeOddsFromEnd(vector<int>& vec) {
  while (!vec.empty() && vec.back() % 2 == 1) {


It’s the programmers’ job to enforce the precondition that vec be non-empty, otherwise we get undefined behavior!


The problem here is, there may or may not be a “last element” in vec. How can vec.back() have deterministic behavior in either case?

Can this work?

valueType& vector<valueType>::back() {
  return *(begin() + size() - 1);

NO! Dereferencing a pointer without verifying it points to real memory is undefined behavior!

A solution is:

valueType& vector<valueType>::back() {
  if (empty()) throw std::out_of_range(); // check if empty first
  return *(begin() + size() - 1);

Now, we will at least reliably error and stop the program or return the last element whenever back() is called.

Can we do better? Can vec.back() warn us if there may not be a “last element” when we call it?


  • Type Safety: The extent to which a function signature guarantees the behavior of a function

A solution is:

std::pair<bool, valueType&> vector<valueType>::back() {
  if (empty()) return { false, valueType() };
  return { true, *(begin() + size() - 1) };

back() now advertises that there may or may not be a last element.

But this solution causes other problems:

  • valueType may not have a default constructor
  • Even if it does, calling constructors is expensive

What should back() return?



What is std::optional<T>?

  • std::optional is a template class which will either contain a value of type T or contain nothing (expressed as nullopt)

Pay attention to nullopt! That’s NOT nullptr!

  • nullptr: an object that can be converted to a value of any pointer type
  • nullopt: an object that can be converted to a value of any optional type

Look at the code below:

void main() {
  std::optional<int> num1 = {};  // num1 does not have a value
  num1 = 1;                      // now it does!
  num1 = std::nullopt;           // now it doesn't anymore

// {} and std::nullopt can be used interchangeable

With std::optional, we can make back() return an optional:

std::optional<valueType> vector<valueType>::back() {
  if (empty()) {
    return {};
  return *(begin() + size() - 1);

To use this version of back(), let’s first look at some of std::optional’s interfaces:

  • .value() returns the contained value or throws bad_optional_access error
  • .value_or(valueType val) returns the contained value or default value, parameter val
  • .has_value() returns true if contained value exists, false otherwise

We can do it like this:

void removeOddsFromEnd(vector<int>& vec) {
  while (vec.back().has_value() && vec.back().value() % 2 == 1) {

This will no longer error, but it is pretty unwieldy :/

Let’s do this:

void removeOddsFromEnd(vector<int>& vec) {
  while (vec.back() && vec.back().value() % 2 == 1) {

Is this…good?

Pros of using std::optional returns:

  • Function signatures create more informative contracts
  • Class function calls have guaranteed and usable behavior


  • You will need to use .value() EVERYWHERE
  • (In cpp) It’s still possible to do a bad_optional_access
  • (In cpp) optionals can have undefined behavior too (*optional does same thing as .value() with no error checking)
  • In a lot of cases we want std::optional<T&>… which we don’t have

Why even bother with optionals?

Introducing… std::optional “monadic” interface (C++23)

  • .and_then(function f) returns the result of calling f(value) if contained value exists, otherwise nullopt (f must return optional)
  • .transform(function f) returns the result of calling f(value) if contained value exists, otherwise nullopt (f must return optional<valueType>)
  • .or_else(function f) returns value if it exists, otherwise returns result of calling f


  • Monadic: a software design pattern with a structure that combines program fragments (functions) and wraps their return values in a type with additional computation

  • These all let you try a function and will either return the result of the computation or some default value.


void removeOddsFromEnd(vector<int>& vec) {
  auto isOdd = [](optional<int> num) {
    return num ? (num % 2 == 1) : {};
  while (vec.back().and_then(isOdd)) {

Disclaimer: std::vector::back() doesn’t actually return an optional (and probably never will)